Thursday, May 23, 2013
End of the Year Reflection.
Sociology is a very interesting subject which helped me understand society in a much deeper level. I learned more about things that I wouldn't have been interested in learning because they were so common to me, like family for example. To be honest though, I enjoyed psychology a lot more because to me individuals are more interesting than overall communities. There were some subjects, however, that I really loved such as economy and politics. I also liked the documentaries we watched. Overall, the class was very interesting but in the end psychology was more interesting for me.
How Facebook CHangesd the World: The Arab Spring
The Arab Spring was a
series of revolutions made possible by Facebook which started in Tunisia. It
all started with a young fruit seller who had had enough of the government and
the corrupt police. After an encounter with police brutality he set himself on
fire as a form of protest. This event inspired a protest against the government
and dictator Ben Ali. Once big crowds gathered the people lost their fear and
started to spout their views openly. When the police arrived what started as a
peaceful protest, became a street war. Yet almost everyone in the crowd had a
cell phone and many recorded the riot. The police was trying to arrest people
with cell phones but many were hidden in strategic places where they could
film. These videos were uploaded via Facebook and went viral. In the end,
Tunisia was able to get rid of their dictator and this inspired their nations
to revolutionize. From Morocco to Yemen, the citizens were trying to overthrow
their government. Another successful revolution was and Egypt and like Tunisia
it was made possible because of the Internet. The Internet was the safest place
to express their views because other than governmental WebPages, the leaders
did not pay much attention to it.
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Countires |
The series of revolutions in the Arab world known as “The Arab Spring”
are examples of the contagion theory of collective behavior. This theory states
that the hypnotic power of a crowd forces people to abandon their individuality
to the stronger pull of the group. This can be seen in a smaller scale and in a
larger scale. In Tunisia, for example, the people finally lost their fear of
voicing their opinion when they were in the crowd. This is because the crowd
gave them power and they weren’t individual people anymore, they were
anonymous. One can also argue that the chain effect that this revolution had is
part of collective behavior. When people in other countries saw how Tunisia got
rid of their dictator it encouraged them to do the same thing.
The cause of these particular social movements can be debatable. One is
relative depravation theory. This could apply because the citizens of these
nations felt deprived of rights. This may have triggered but the reason some of
the revolutions were successful were due to resource-mobilization theory. Without
the help of educated Tunisians, computer experts and the internet (Facebook),
the Arab Spring would not have been as successful as it was. This is because
the way the revolutionaries were able to operate was through the internet and
they were able to show the rest of the world what was really going on.
Social movements like these are the ones that usually bring the best for
the people. Tunisia got rid of her oppressor in just a few days. This would
have never been possible without the internet. One single event can inspire
many people to fight for their rights but without the resources needed, even
the noblest revolution will fail.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Chapter 18 Social Change and Modernization
For a
society to progress it must bring social change to the malfunctioning of the
society. Throughout history we have seen social change for the better like in
the French Revolution or the Enlightenment. Because of changes like these we
have the modern society we have now. But still we keep moving forward inventing
new ways of progress.
change is defined
as alterations in sections of society over time. A cynical theory of social
change views change in a historical point of view. When a society arises,
it goes through change as part of a natural development. According to Pitirim
Sorokin all cultures fluctuate between two extreme forms of culture. Ideational
culture which functions on a base of faith and religion and sensate culture
where people knowledge seek through science. And idealistic culture is a
mixture of the two. He referred to the natural tendency of social change as the
principle of immanent change. Evolutionary theorists in the 1800’s
believed that societies evolved through distinct stages of social development. Modern
evolutionary theorists on the other hand believe that societies get more
complex naturally. The equilibrium theory of social change compares
society to a living organism and when it is disrupted, change will come. The
conflict theory of social change states that when two or more opposing
groups clash it will bring social change.
Core, Periphery and Semiperiphery nations |
Modernization is when society’s institutions become
more complex and it moves towards industrialization. The modernization theory
states that more developed nations are modernized because they industrialized first.
According to the world system theory, the world is composed of three
types of countries. Core nations are developed nations such as the USA,
Japan and Canada. Peripheral nations are poor countries in Latin America,
Africa and Asia. Finally semiperipheral nations are between core
and peripheral nations.
Our society
naturally gets more complex and moves towards an even more modernized future. This
is because all societies have change at some point and the old ways are
replaced with new, more functional ways. We are all moving to an even more
modernized future.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Chapter 17 Collective Behavior and Social Movement
In many
places the people are upset with their government or the way their society
works. Every once in a while, when the people cannot take it anymore, they try
to change that part of society that they don’t like. Sometimes they are successful,
other times they are not.
Collective behavior is the
relatively spontaneous social behavior that occurs when people try to develop common
solutions to unclear situations. Groups that exhibit collective behavior are
called collectives. Three factors distinguish these collectives and they
are limited interaction (there is little to no interaction), unclear
norms (behavior is unclear or unconventional), and limited unity. A collectivity
is a gathering of people that barely interact and have unclear norms and unity.
A crowd is a temporary gathering of people who are close enough
proximity to interact. A mob is an emotionally charged collectivity
whose members are united by a specific destructive or violent goal. A riot
is a collection of people who erupt into generalized destructive behavior. A panic
is a spontaneous an uncoordinated group action to escape a perceived threat. A moral
panic occurs when people become fearful-often without a reason- about
behavior that appears to threaten society’s core values. Fashions refer
to enthusiastic attachments among large groups of people for particular styles.
Fads are similar to fashions but last a short period of time. A rumor is
an unverified piece of information that is spread rapidly. Urban legends
are stories that teach a lesson and seem realistic but are not. Propaganda
is an organized and deliberate attempt to shape public opinion. Contagion
theory states that the hypnotic power of a crowd forces people to give up
their individuality to strengthen the group.
"Liberty Guiding the People" by Eugene Delacroix depicts a revolutionary movement.
Social movements are more
deliberate and long lasting forms of collective behavior. Reactionary movements
have the goal of reversing the current social trends. Conservative movements
try to protect what they see as society’s prevailing values. Revisionary movements
try to improve a part of society through social change and finally revolutionary
movements are complete radical change of the existing social structure. The
life cycle of social movements is agitation, legitimation, bureaucratization,
and institutionalization. Relative depravation theory states that
people join social groups because they feel deprived relative to other groups. Resource
mobilization theory states that even the most ill-treated group with the
most just cause will be able to bring social change without resources.
Regimes are overthrown constantly, this
is because the people are unsatisfied with their rules. Throughout history it
has been common that groups are made to bring social change, the Magna Carta
and the French Revolution are examples. When the people feel threatened or
unsatisfied, they will do anything in their power to change it.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Chapter 16 Population and Urbanization
A society is composed of a population. The
amount of people living at the same place can greatly affect how a society
works. An example is urbanization which is caused by people moving to cities
and leaving the country. Great population increase or decrease affects the
functioning society.
A population is the number of
people living in an area at a particular time. Demography is the area of
sociology devoted to the study of human populations. The measure to describe
the amount of births is the birthrate and its formula is Birthrate=live
births/Total population X 1000. Fertility is used to describe the number
of women of child bearing age that are actually having children. Fecundity
is the biological capability to bear children. The number of deaths within a
society is the mortality. The measure to calculate the number of deaths in a
population is the death rate. The infant mortality rate is the amount of
children under the age of one year that die. Life expectancy is the amount of
years a person is expected to live according to the year they were born.
Migration is the movement of one specified area to another. The migration
rate is calculated by the amount of immigration and emigration. The rate at
which a countries population increases is called the growth rate. The
Malthusian theory was developed by Thomas Malthus and it stated that
population would grow to astronomical numbers and that there would be famine,
war and conflict due to it. The demographic transition theory states that a
country’s population depends on its technological development. Zero growth rate
is the point where the birthrates almost match the death rates creating zero
population growth.
Urbanization is a concentration of the
population in cities. A city is a permanent residence for a large number of
people who do not engage in farming activities. The evolution of cities are the
preindustrial cities to the industrial cities. Overurbanization happens
when more people live in a city than the city can provide for in jobs or
facilities. There are different types of city structures which are the
concentric model, the sector model, the multiple nuclei model and the urban
ecology model.
People are always seeking a better life.
Overpopulation is caused by people having children to take care of them. Under
population is caused when having children brings economical problems.
Urbanization happens when people decide to leave the country and move to the
Monday, April 29, 2013
Chapter 15 Science and the Mass Media
Society seems to be advancing at the
speed of light. It is said that one issue of the New York Times puts out more
information than the entire Middle Ages did. One of the things we owe this too
is the invention of modern science. Without science we wouldn’t have advanced
in knowledge about us humans and about the world. Then we also have the mass
media which allows people from all over the world to send and receive ideas and
information from people they don’t even know.
Science emerged in the 300s BCE
in Greece, Babylon, India, China and Egypt. In ancient Greece the fields of
mathematics, astronomy, biology, physics and medicine were explored by great
thinkers such as Aristotle and Plato. However with the fall of the Roman Empire
scientific advances slowed down and with the rise of the Catholic Church people
turned towards philosophy and religion.
The rebirth of science was due to four
major factors which were the renaissance, the invention of the
printing press, the age of exploration and the protestant
reformation. Now rather than employing philosophical speculation,
scientists used the scientific method which is an objective and systematic way
to gather information and come to conclusions. Modern science however didn’t
come to light until the 1800s and early 1900s.The norms of scientific research
are universalism, organized skepticism, communalism, disinterestedness
and counter-norms. Fraud is one of the realities of scientific
research. A famous example was the “missing link” of human evolution which in
this case was the skull of a human and the jaw of an orangutan. Another problem
is competition which is one of the principal causes of norm violation in the
scientific field.
The mass media are instruments of
communication that reach a large audience without having a personal relationship
between the people sending it and the people receiving it. The
instutionalization of the mass media includes writing and paper, the
printing press, the industrial age and the computer and the
information society. A few examples of mass media are print media
(books, newspapers and magazines), audio media (music, audio books), visual
media (television, movies, DVDs), online media (the internet) and convergence
which is integration of two different medias such as a news paper with a web
page. From the functionalist perspective, the mass media perform functions that
support the stability of society. From a conflict perspective the purpose is to
maintain social order. Some issues with mass media are what the media exposes
to children, effects on civic and social life and the power that it holds.
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Different types of Mass Media |
Thanks to the mass media and the
scientific institution, we are able to enjoy many luxuries in the modern world.
Yet science is advancing so fast that in a few years what we consider modern
will be obsolete.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Chapter 13 Economy and Politics
Societies need someone to run them and
make their money flow. This is why societies develop economic systems according
to their specific needs. They also need a ruler or leader to ensure that these
systems run smoothly. Societies have different economic systems and different ways
of choosing their leaders, these systems can be very complicated.
To satisfy people's needs and wants,
every society develops a system of roles and norms that governs the production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services. This is called the economic institution. The factors of production are resources needed to produce goods and services
which include the land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The primary sector deals with the extraction of raw materials from the
environment. The secondary
sector concentrates on the
use of raw materials to manufacture goods. The tertiary sector shifts to providing services. In Preindustrial societies, there is
very little technological development. In Industrial societies, the main emphasis in the economy shifts
from the primary sector to secondary. The Postindustrial societies or tertiary sector is the most
important. In capitalism
the factors of production are owned by the individuals rather than by the
government. The Law of supply states that producers will
supply more products when they can charge higher prices and fewer products when
they must charge lower prices. The Law of demand
states that consumers will demand more of a product as the price of the product
decreases. If government
interference is kept to a minimum and if competition is restricted, the
invisible hand of market forces will keep the economy in balance, sometimes
known as laissez-faire capitalism. The commitment to limited government control
of business operations has resulted in the labeling of capitalist economies as
free-enterprise systems.
socialism, the factors of
production are owned by the government, which regulates economic activity. Communism
is a political and economic system in which property is communally owned. Totalitarianism:
those in power exercise complete authority over the lives of individual
citizens. A Corporation
is a business organization that is owned by stockholders and is treated by law
as if it were an individual person. An Oligopoly is the market situation in which a few large companies
control an industry. Protectionism
is the use of trade barriers to protect domestic manufacturers from foreign
competition. Free-trade is trade that is not
restricted by trade barriers between countries. Multinational is any corporation that has factories and offices
in several countries. The nature of work has shifted from an industrial base to
a service base. E-commerce
is business conducted over the internet. Recently in the USA the economy has
gone down considerably, the national debt is worse than it has ever been in the
past and this is because of the current president.
Power is the ability to control
the behavior of others with or without their consent. State is the
primarily political authority in society. Political Institution is the
system of roles and norms that govern the distribution and exercise the power of
society. Functionalist view is to analyze political institutions in terms of
functions of the state, creation of laws, settling conflicts with individuals and
relations with other countries. Conflict theorist view is how the political
institution brings social change. Different groups in society compete for
power. Legitimacy is whether those in power have the right to govern
others. Max Weber referred to legitimate power as authority. Coercion is
power that is considered illegitimate by the people governed. Traditional
authority is power based on a long standing custom. Rational legal authorities
are rules and regulations that outline the rights and obligations of those
in power. Charismatic authority is based on the personal characteristics
of the individual in power. Political Parties are organizations that
seek to gain power through legitimate means. Proportional representation
ensures that minority parties receive a voice in the government. Interest
Group is an organization that attempts to influence the political decision
making process. Voter participation is the heart of the democratic process. Voter
Participation varies among different groups of Americans. Race, education,
employment and age are factors that affect voting. The Power-elite model
was first presented by C. Wright Mills and states that political power is
exercised by and for the privileged few in society. The Pluralist model
states that the political process is controlled by interest groups that compete
one another for power.
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Political cartoon on monarchy |
People need to follow someone and they
need norms and regulations to prosper. A leader is always needed to make sure
that the economy and the well being of the people are in a good state. Some leaders
though may not care about the economy or the people and only care for power and
their personal economy. Whether it’s by democracy or absolutism, a leader is
always needed in a larger society.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Chapter 14 Education and Religion
successful society depends on its successful members. This is why children are
taught norms and values either from an education system, family or religion. Education
consists of the roles and norms that ensure the transmission of knowledge,
values and behavioral patterns. Schooling is formal education instructed
by officially trained teachers and follows strict policies.
In the
functionalist perspective education serves the roles of teaching knowledge and
skills, transmission of culture, social integration, and occupational
placement. Then the conflict perspective on education believes that the purpose
of education is for social control. Here an example is schools hidden curriculum
which is the transmission of cultural goals that are not acknowledged such as
values. Then there is tracking which involves assigning students to
different types of educational programs. There have been some issues with the American
school system. In 1983 a report was published that explained the decline of
quality education in America and how the United States had fallen behind other
industrialized nations in science and literary skills. There are also
educational alternatives. Charter schools are funded with public money
but are privately run. Also in school choice parents receive a voucher
equal to the amount the state spends on education for the child. Homeschooling
is a method rising in popularity where children are taught at home by their
Since the
dawn of time people have wondered where we come from and what happens after we
due. Humans have tried to answer these questions through religion. The sacred
is anything supernatural that inspired awe, respect and reverence. The profane
is anything considered part of the ordinary world. Religion is a system
of roles and norms organized around something sacred and that brings social
groups together. The functions of religion are social cohesion, social control,
and emotional support. A ritual is an established pattern of behavior in
which the group believes they are experiencing something sacred. Animism
is the belief that spirits actively influence human life. One type of animism
is called shamanism in which people believe that spirits only
communicate with one member of the group or shaman. Totemism is the
belief of kinship between humans and animals. Theism is the belief in god or
gods, Monotheism is the belief in one god. Polytheism is the belief in many
gods. Ethicalism is based on the idea that moral principles are sacred. Ecclesia
is a type of religion which people are part of by virtue of birth. A denomination
is a well-established religious organization in which a substantial number of
the population are members. A sect is a small religious group that is
separated from the denomination because of different beliefs. A cult is a new
religion whose beliefs and practices differ from the rest of the religions.
America is
a place of many different religions. Because of immigration patterns and
established religion freedom, the US is diverse when it comes to people of
different religions. 90% of Americans claim to believe in God but only 66%
claim to be affiliated with a religion.
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Religious diversity |
In order to
survive, a society must ensure that the future generations have the capability
to pass down their norms and values. Many societies do this through education
systems that ensure the passing of knowledge. Many others also do it with
religion. One of religion’s purposes is to pass down and teach values.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Chapter 11 Gender, Age and Health
men and women are very different. Sociologically the case is the same. For
thousands of years men and women have been treating each other differently. The
usual case is women being treated as lesser human beings and men being
Gender comprises the behavioral and psychological
traits considered appropriate for men and women. Gender roles are the specific
behaviors and attitudes that a society establishes for men and women. Gender
identity is the awareness of being masculine or feminine as those
traits are defined by culture. Appropriate gender role behavior is learned through
socialization. The power relationship between men and women developed into a patriarchy. Sexism is
the belief that one sex is by nature superior to the other the women’s right
movement was a time period in America, the goal was equality of sexes
socially and politically. The most important reform during the women's movement
was earning the right to vote or suffrage. During this movement,
women wanted the chance to get a higher education. The wage gap is
the level of woman's income relative to that of men, which changed very little.
There is also a type of invisible barrier that often prevents women from
obtaining higher business positions. There is also a political gender gap in the
USA, women tend to vote more but men dominate politics.
Agism is the belief that one age category is by
nature superior to another age category. Sociologists are interested in a
phenomenon called “the graying of America” which predicts that by 2050 1
in 5 Americans will be elderly. During the 1960's, approximately 76 million
children were born during this time period known as the baby-boom
generation. Medicare is the government-sponsored
health-insurance plan for elderly Americans and Americans with disabilities. Medicaid is
the state and federally funded health-insurance program for low-income
individuals. Some people claim that government transfer payments like Social
Security have made older Americans financially secure at the expense of younger
generations. These disabilities also cause people to face prejudice. The
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 has the potential to bring
employment to disabled people.
Advances in medical technology
have also affected health-care costs. One method of controlling health
expenditures is the use of alternative health-insurance plans called managed care.
Yet many Americans have problems getting healthcare even with the oversupply of
doctors. There is a great problem with the distribution of physicians both
geographically and in medical fields. Poor people are unlikely receive adequate
medical care. The majority of medical costs in the United States are covered by
private or public insurance. Alternative medicine includes treating
illness with unconventional methods such as acupuncture, acupressure,
biofeedback, massage, medication, yoga, herbal remedies, and relaxation techniques. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease that attacks the immune system, leaving a
person vulnerable to a host of deadly infections. One does not necessarily die
of AIDS but of some regular sickness that the body cannot fight due to the
deteriorated immune system. Many AIDS activists claim the United States
government has not responded adequately to the AIDS crisis. However, there have
been great efforts to ameliorate the crisis from the government.
We are all different from
the day we are born. We are either born male or female and after that we keep changing
as we get older. Over time women have gotten more equal treatment than they
ever had. The world is also aging. People are now living longer and with that
there are special needs that need to be tended.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Chapter 12 Family
A family is
a group of people who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption and who often
live together and share economic resources. Families are essential to society
because not only do they provide for the economy but they make up what we call
society. Traditions customs and norms are passed to new members of society by
A nuclear family consists of
one or both parents and their children. An individual's family of
orientation is the nuclear family into which the person is born or
adopted. The family of procreation of an individual is the family into
which he or she marries into.. An extended family consists of
two or more generations. Kinship is a network of people who are
related by marriage, birth, or adoption. Marriage is the set of
norms that establishes and characterizes the relationship between married
individuals. The marriage of one man to one woman is called monogamy.
Marriage with multiple partners is called polygamy. This is when a
man is allowed to marry more than one woman at a time.
Married couple
Polyandry is
when a woman is permitted to marry one man at a time. When a married couple
lives with or close to the husband's parents, it is called patrilocality.
Oppositely when the married couple lives near the wife's parents, it is called matrilocality. Bilocality is
when the newly married couple chooses to live where they want. Matrilineal
descent is when property is passed from mother to daughter. Patrilineal
descent is when property is passed from father to son. Property can be
inherited from either side of the family in bilateral descent. A patriarchy
is when the father holds most of the authority and a matriarchy is
when the mother holds most of the authority. Eaglitarian is when
the mother and father share authority. In most societies there is an incest
taboo forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives.
Americans usually marry
individuals who have social characteristics similar to their own, this is
called homogamy. Heterogamy on the other side is
marriage between individuals who have different social characteristics. There are
many ways a family can be disrupted the most devastating would be family
violence. Another type of family disruption is divorce. Dual-earner
families are families in which both husband and wife have jobs. In the
USA, marriage is often delayed and put off until later years and delayed
childbearing is also common in the USA. The sandwich generation are
couples that are caught between the needs of their children and those of their
parents. The choice to remain childless is called voluntary
childlessness, which is very usual in the USA. Dual earning couples are
also a popular trend in American culture. Remarriage and single parenting are
also common in America.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Chapter 10 Racial and Ethnic Relations
Everyone is different as individuals. Yet
people are brought together by similar physical characteristics or cultural
backgrounds. These groups of people can be the “dominant” group of societies
and the rest can just be minorities who the dominant group accepts or rejects.
Race is a category of people who
share inherited physical characteristics and whom others see as being a
different group. Sociologists don’t really look at these different physical characteristics
but see how people react to them. As an opposite we have ethnicity. Rather
than physical characteristics, ethnicity is a set of cultural characteristics
that distinguish a group. People who share a common cultural background are
known as an ethnic group. Race and ethnicity are composed of different
characteristics. Race refers to physical characteristics while ethnicity refers
to cultural characteristics. Being a member of a certain race or ethnicity can
result in being part of a minority group. A minority group is a group
who because of their physical or ethnic characteristics are singled out and
treated unequally. Historically scholars had placed people in three different
categories which were Caucasoid (whites), Mongoloid (Asians) and Negroid
(blacks). Yet these categories have many gaps for people can fit into more than
one category.
This child would fit in both Negroid and Caucasoid categories because of his dark skina and fair hair.
Scientifically no particular physical
feature or ethnic background is superior. A minority status exists because it
has been established by the dominant members of society. Discrimination can
range from just being rude to committing violent acts. There are two types of societal
discrimination, Legal discrimination which is upheld by law and institutional
discrimination which is an outgrowth in the structure of society. Then
there is prejudice. Prejudice usually comes with stereotypes (over
simplified, exaggerated generalization about a group of people). Racism is the
belief that one’s’ own race or ethnic group is superior than others. One of the
most accepted explanations for discrimination is scapegoating or blaming
an innocent individual or group.
There are different patterns to which
societies treat minorities. One of them is cultural pluralism. This policy
allows each group in society to keep its unique cultural identity. Then we have
assimilation which is the blending of two or more different cultural
groups. Many countries have established legal protection to ensure the
rights of the minority groups. Then there are policies that separate a minority
group from the dominant group called segregation. Some places engage in
subjugation or the maintaining control of a group through force. When the
dominant group of society separates from the minority it’s called population
transfer. The most extreme response to minorities is extermination
also known as genocide.
The world is full of different cultures
with different physical characteristics and ethnicities. It can be very hard to
classify physical characteristics because there are so many mixed traits. When a
group moves to a new area and becomes a minority group they can either be
accepted and integrated or frowned upon and segregating. The truth is that no
physical trait or ethnicity is superior than others and that discrimination is
just imposed by society.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Chapter 9 Social Stratifications
In every
existing society there has been social inequality. Even if the social classes
are divided in a different way, come will always be above others. Social classes
can be divided by many factors such as income, education, occupation, lifestyle
or even heritage.
The level
of social inequality depends on the society’s stratification system. There are two basic types of stratification systems
which are caste systems and class systems. A caste system has scarce resources
and social rewards are distributed according to ascribed statuses. A newborn’s
status is determined by his/her lifelong status. The practice of exogamy to
determine status when there is marriage between two different castes. This practice
is marriage outside one’s social category. Most commonly however endogamy is practiced
which is marriage within one’s own social category. Class systems on the other
hand is composed by the distribution of scarce resources and rewards through achieved
statuses. This means that one can climb the social ladder. The dimensions of
social stratification are wealth, power and prestige. An individual’s wealth is
made up of his or her assets (value of what the person owns) and income. Power is
the ability to control the behavior of others with or without consent. People who
have a substantial wealth usually hold some power. One can also be ranked by
prestige which is the respect, honor, recognition or courtesy an individual receives
from the members of society. There are two main theories for stratification. One
of them is the functionalist theory which views stratification as necessary
feature of social structure. They claim that without varying rewards, jobs wouldn’t
be fulfilled and society wouldn’t run smoothly. The other is the conflict
theory which states that the competition for scarce resources is the cause of
social inequality.
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Political Cartoon about the differences between the rich and the poor |
There is
social inequality in every class system. Theoretically, all Americans have
equal access to the resources needed for social advances but there are many
different social statuses in America. Sociologists do not agree in the number
of class divisions in the United States. The most common is dividing it into
five classes: upper class, upper middle class, lower middle class, working
class and lower class. There are three basic methods to determining these
divisions. The first is reputational and individuals in the community are asked
to rank other community members based on lifestyle. The second is subjective in
which individuals are asked to determine their own social rank. The third is
objective and divisions are determined by income, occupation and education. The
upper class makes up percent of the population and it controls a proportion of the
countries’ wealth. Then there is the upper middle class who are high income business
people and professionals. The lower middle class are usually people who hold
white collar jobs and work doesn’t involve manual labor. The working class
holds jobs that require manual labor. The working poor are the ones who have
the lowest paying jobs and the underclass are families that have experienced
poverty and unemployment for generations. Social mobility is the movement
between or within between or within social classes.
Even in the
most prosperous countries, there is always going to be poverty. Poverty is seen
as the standard of living that is below the minimum level considered adequate
by the society. the minimum income is called the poverty level. In America the
largest percent of poverty in age group are children. According to gender 57
percent of the poor are women. Finally according to race and ethnicity African Americans
and Hispanics have the highest poverty rates. Life chances are the likelihood
of an individual sharing the benefits and opportunities of society. It has been
shown that life chances vary by social class and that the lower the class the
less life chances. Life expectancy is the average years a person will live. Poor
children are 60 percent more likely to die in their first year. Behavior patterns
also change according to social class. For example, divorce rates are higher in
the lower class than any other social class. The government responds by trying
to help those in need through programs such as Medicare.
classes can be very complex. Many sociologists even argue about how they should
be divided. Whether it’s by caste system or social classes, there will always
be inequality among society.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Chapter 8 Deviance and Social Control
The world becomes more
connected everyday and our societies get bigger and closer without us even
noticing. This makes the rules and norms harder to interpret to the eyes of
some individuals. Certain people cannot process the norms that a society has. This
can show by the person dressing a strange way to the community or it can lead
to more serious violations that require punishment. This is why there is a
complex legal system to protect people from offenders.
Most people internalize social norms but there are some people who break
the rules. We can’t really internalize all of the rules society has and because
of this we are bound to break them once in a while. Behavior that violates
specific and significant social norms is called deviance. Since there
are so many norms governing behavior, occasional violations are unavoidable and
not considered deviant. One of the ways to be considered deviant is to commit
an offence repetitively. For example, if one continues to get speeding tickets
over and over again, then that person will be considered reckless and therefore
deviant. A stigma is a mark of social disgrace that sets the deviant
apart from the rest of society. The social foundations of deviance are
clarifying norms, unifying the group, diffusing tension, promoting social
change and providing jobs. There are different theories dedicated to deviance. The
first is the functionalist theory which states that deviance
comes from a natural outgrowth of the norms in the community. Next is the conflict
theory which states that deviance is the result of competition and
social inequality. Finally interactionalists insist that deviance is a
natural human feeling.
A crime is any act that is labeled as such by those in authority, is
prohibited by law, and punishable by the government. The five main categories
of crime are violent crimes which are murder, forcible rape, robbery,
and aggravated assault. Then we have crimes against property which
include burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Third there are victimless
crimes which are composed of prostitution, illegal gambling, illegal drug
use, and vagrancy. Fourth there is white-collar crimes which are committed
by individuals of high social status in the course of their professional lives:
misrepresentation, fraud, tax evasion, embezzlement, price fixing, toxic
pollution, insider trading, and political corruption are the usual crimes. Finally
there is organized crime composed of drug trafficking, illegal gambling,
unfair labor practices, hijacking of merchandise, and loan-sharking.
A crime syndicate is a large-scale organization of professional
criminals that controls some vice or business through violence or the threat of
violence. Crimes as we know, don’t go unpunished, once a crime has been
committed and reported it is taken by the jurisdiction of the criminal-justice
system. Police discretion is the power to decide who is actually arrested. This
power is very important and requires a great amount of responsibility. Sadly many
people take advantage of police discretion. It is widely suspected the high
rates of African American arrests are caused by racial profiling. When a
criminal is arrested, they have the right for a trial and they go to court. They
do a process legal negotiation that allows an accused person to plead guilty to
a lesser charge in return for a lighter sentence. This process is called legal bargaining.
Corrections are sanctions used to punish criminals and they have four
functions: retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and social protection.
The juvenile-justice system is for offenders under 18. This system is like the
criminal-justice system yet is not as harsh due to the fact that the offenders
are minors. When a person constantly repeats criminal behavior it is
called Recidivism.
Deviance in my opinion is very important. In some ways one must learn
not to follow everything a society or regime says. Yet there are some norms
that are there to protect us and when people break those rules there may be
serious consequences. Depending on the type of crime and how the person, pleads
or defends him/herself in court there will be an adequate punishment. And example,
if a criminal pleads guilty he may have some time removed from his sentence.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Chapter 6/Chapter 7 The Adolescent in Society and The Adult in Society
Every day
we grow whether it’s physically or mentally. We are always in a period of
development even as adults. There are many challenges to every stage of life
yet we have to go through it and enjoy it as much as we can.
Adolescence can be defined as the period
between the normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood. Puberty is
the physical maturing that enables individuals of physical reproduction. The
characteristics of adolescence are biological growth and development.
Here the body’s glands produce various hormones that control biological
development. Then there is having an
undefined status, expectations for children are known and expectations for
adults are also known but expectations for teenager are vague. Increased
decision making is another characteristic and increased pressure as
well. Finally the search for self is when adolescents are mature enough to
think for themselves and know what they want in life. Preparing for future
roles is an important aspect to finding oneself. Anticipatory socialization
is learning the rights, obligations and expectations of a role that will be
taken in the future.
Dating is a universal phenomenon that is
practiced a lot by adolescents. Dating was influenced by the industrial
revolution when people were moving to cities and were less dependent on their
parents. This made the idea of courtship decrease. Yet it was till after World
War I that dating was practiced. This was because of the increased gender equality and the new sources if entertainment such as cars and cinemas. There
are many functions to dating. First and probably most important is entertainment.
It allows young people to go out and have fun especially in the stage of causal
dating. Second, dating acts as a mechanism of socialization. It teaches
individuals about members of the opposite sex and how to behave in social
situations. Third, dating fulfills basic psychological needs such as
conversation companionship and understanding.
Fourth, dating can help an individual attain status. It was shown in
various studies that dating between college fraternities and sororities was
mostly for status attainment. Fifth and final, in later stages of dating the
person might select his/her as their spouse.
has many challenges and consequences that come with those challenges. One of
those challenges is teenage sexual behavior. Before the 1960’s the majority of
Americans held the belief that sexual activity should be confined to marriage.
However this changed in the 1960’s and 70’s due the development of birth
control, contraception and the feminist movement led to the “sexual
revolution”. Consequently teenage sexual activity has increased to 50 percent
in 1995. There were also higher percentages of unmarried teen mothers. There
are many consequences to teenage sexual activity which are that babies born
from teenage mothers are usually underweight and more likely to die within the
first year. Teenagers who become parents have a lower chance of finishing high
school or college. Individuals who become parents at a young age also tend to
have a lower income and teenage mothers also go through a lot of emotional
stress. Another problem is teenage drug use. Though some drug use decreased
during earlier years, some are starting to rise again. Influences of drug use
are having friends who constantly do drugs, having social and academic
adjustment problems and living in a hostile family setting. Finally there is
teenage suicide which are contributed to drug and alcohol use. The rate of
teenage suicide exceeds that of the general population.
After adolescence
one enters the adult world. Male and female adult development is different. The
adult male development is characterized by a life structure or a
combination of statuses, roles, values, beliefs and life circumstances. An
adult’s life is divided in early adulthood, middle adulthood and late
adulthood. It is suggested that the adult female development is categorized
in three phases. The first is leaving the family where the adult makes
psychological break from parents. However many women put more emphasis on marriage
than on careers. Then comes the entering the adult world phase which is
when an adult gets married and has children. Finally entering the adult
world again phase comes when the children enter grade school.
important part of adult life is work. Labor force consists of all individuals
age 16 and older who are employed in paid positions. The composition of the American
labor force is changing and one of the biggest changes is the amount of working
women. Women now hold about half of the professional jobs in the United States.
A profession is a high status occupation that is obtained through formal
education. Examples are Lawyers, teachers, dentists, engineers, etc. Unemployment
is the situation that occurs when a person does not have a job but is actively
seeking employment.
Professional Adults
With improved
health care and other factors, people are living longer. Therefore the late adult
era cannot be viewed as a single period of development. Late adulthood is
divided into young-old (ages 65-74), middle-old (ages 75-84) and old-old
(ages 85 and above). In many cases, when one reaches late adulthood they retire
to pursue other careers or hobbies. One of the changes is adjusting to retired
life. Another change is physical and mental functioning. As one ages, the body
deteriorates which causes wrinkles, grey hair and losing physical capacity. Contrary
to popular belief, as one ages the mind doesn’t necessarily deteriorate. Actually
the mind can get stronger than ever before, however the elderly are more prone
the Alzheimer’s disease which causes deterioration of the brain. Many
elderly have issues with dependency and death. When an elderly person becomes
dependent on a grown child the roles reverse and now the child takes over the
role of caregiver and authority figure. Though many have problems with
dependency, the elderly don’t seem to have a problem with death since they feel
they have less to lose.
Late Adults
As we go
through life we pass through many stages: childhood, adolescence, early, middle
and late adulthood until we die. Each stage has challenges that we have to
overcome but that doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy ourselves in any stage we are
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Chapter 5 Socializing the Individual
We all are different. This is because we
have different personalities. Some are more outgoing, others are shyer. Some are
easy going and others have a quick temper. But why is this? Are we born with a
personality or do we develop a personality? There are many theories on how we
develop a personality or sense of self but there are still many debates over
Personality is the total sum of
behaviors attitudes and beliefs in one person. Our individual personality traits
determine how we adapt to an environment. No individuals have exactly the same
personality. People’s personality keeps changing over time specific traits
change at certain times and at certain paces making personality development
vary from individual to individual. A heated debate between social scientists
is nature vs. nurture. Some argue that heredity, the transmission
of genetic characteristics from parents to children, is the cause of an
individual’s personality. Others say that it is the result of the individual’s
social environment and learning. It is also argued that instinctual behavior
can be taught. One of the most influential factors in someone’s personality
development is culture. Culture gives individuals an example of the different
personalities that can be found in that culture do that individuals can emulate
There are cases, however, in which
children live in isolation and don’t have culture’s influence. In a few cases
feral children, wild or untamed children, were found living with animals. In
other cases the children were found isolated in their homes by their family.
These children had few human characteristics. They had no reasoning skills, no
manners, no control of bodily functions and couldn’t move about like other
human beings. An example is the case of Anna who at the age of six was given
back to her mother because of the hostility of her grandfather. She had been
confined to an attic and given the minimum amount of care. At the age of six
she could not talk, walk or feed herself. Anna died at the age of ten.
The Wild Child is a film based on a true story of a child found living in the woods.
We all have a self. This self is our
conscious awareness of possessing a different identity that separates
individuals from other members of society. There are three theories of the
social self. The first is Locke’s theory, the Tabula Rasa. Locke
believed that human beings could be molded into any type of character. Tabula
rasa literally means clean slate, on which anything can be written. He claimed
that humans were not born with a personality but acquire a personality through
their experiences. He said that if he were given a new born child, he would be
able to mold that child’s personality into any type of character. Social psychologist
Charles Horton Cooley is most noted for developing the looking -glass self theory.
This theory explains how individuals develop a sense of self. The looking
glass self is an interactive process by which we create an image of
ourselves based on how we imagine we appear to others. Finally we have Mead’s role-taking
theory. He had many of his idea based on Cooley’s theories. He claimed that
seeing ourselves through others’ eyes is only the beginning. After a while we
start to take or pretend to take the roles of others. This is called
role-taking. This socialization process lets us know what is expected from us.
Sociologists use the term agents of
socialization to describe individuals, groups or institutions that force us to socialize.
The first one is family. Family is the most important agent of socialization
because it is the first interaction children have. Then there is the peer
group which is a primary group composed by people of roughly equal age. This
group is most important in early teenage and pre teenage years. School is
another agent. People from the ages five to eighteen spend a lot of time and
effort in school. One of the main goals in school is to teach children how to
work with others. The mass media is one of the largest agents because it
can reach many people with no personal contact- this includes television,
magazines, the internet, newspapers and the radio. Finally there is resocialization
in a total institution. A total institution is a setting in which people
are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time and are under
tight control. Here the act of resocialization occurs which is a break with
past experiences and the learning of new values and norms. Examples of total
institutions are prisons, military boot camps, monasteries, and psychiatric
Prisons are an example of total institutions.
We can all agree that culture/society is
a great influence on our personality. We have seen how it affects us and we
have seen the effects of lack of societal influences on people. There are
theories on how we develop a personality based on other people and society. Our
personality can even be changed under strict control.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Chapter 4 Social Structure
Every bit of society is dependent on the
other. Every bit interacts with the
other parts of society making it thrive and advance, making groups and holding
a structure vital for the society to maintain itself.
All societies are built by a similar
structure. This social structure is composed by statuses and roles.
A status is a socially defines position in a group or society. Each status has
a set of roles which are the behaviors expected from that individual. When one
plays a certain role, they have to interact with other people. There are five
different types of social interactions which are seen regularly. When people
interact to give or receive a reward for their actions it is called exchange.
With this comes the idea of reciprocity which is when you do something
for someone, that person owes you. Another form of social interaction id competition
which occurs when two or more people or groups oppose each other to obtain
a goal only one can achieve. Then we have conflict which puts more
emphasis on defeating an opponent other than achieving a goal. This is the deliberate
attempt to control someone by force, oppose them or harm them. Then on the
other side we have cooperation which occurs when two or more people or
groups work together to achieve a common goal. Finally there is accommodation
which is the state of balance between cooperation and conflict.
Specific types of interactions lead to
the forming of different groups or societies. There have been three main types
of societies throughout human history one being the preindustrial society. This
type of societies’ main concern is food production which can be produced by
human or animal labor. After this there are industrial societies which
shift its priorities from food production to the production on manufactured goods.
With this comes urbanization or the concentration of population in
cities. Finally in a post industrial society the economy is mostly involved in
providing services. Within societies there are certain groups individuals are
in. The main ones would be the primary and secondary groups. People
who belong in a primary group together are family or groups of friends. Examples
of people in the secondary group would be co workers. Other groups are reference
groups, these are any group whom the individual identifies and adopts their
attitudes. Then there are the common in and out groups. An in group is
any group an individual belongs to. An out group is a group which the
individual doesn’t belong to. The internet has given rise to a new type of
group called E-communities where individuals interact with each other
through their computers. We all interact with more than one group. All of the
groups we interact with combined are called our social network. An
interesting experiment by Stanly Milgram leads to what is known as six
degrees of separation. The experiment ended with the idea that anyone in
the world is separated by six connections at the most.
The term formal organization is
to describe a large, complex secondary group that has been established to achieve
different goals. Most formal organizations are structured in what is known as a
bureaucracy. A bureaucracy is a ranked authority structure that operates
to specific rules and procedures. A very good example of a formal organization
is corporate life in Japan. Many Japanese businesses have a very strict formal
structure. There are more rules of etiquette and new employees must go to
training sessions to learn these rules. A example is that a group of employees
must have the same short haircut since having long hair is disrespectful for
their clients. Bureaucracies or formal organizations breed what is known as the
Peter Principle which states that, “in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise
to his own level of incompetence.” meaning that people are often promoted to a
job that they are not qualified to do.
Society lives off interaction. Without interaction
we wouldn’t have groups, or structures that create society. We interact with
the world in many different ways and to survive in modern society it is crucial
to know how to interact with other people.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Chapter 3 Cultural Conformity and Adaptation
No matter the
society, there is always change. It is very hard for a society to remain
without contact to the rest of the world and all cultures will always have
influences from other cultures. Not all influences will be accepted and not all
changes will be welcomed.
All cultures
have rules or norms that they have to follow if the society wants to prosper.
People are expected to follow certain norms because they have internalized the
norm. Internalization is when a norm becomes part of the individual’s
personality. An example is when you are driving and immediately stop when you
see a red light. You do this because you have internalized the fact that red
means stop, not because you fear punishment. Most people follow the norms in
their society but some need sanctions to keep them following the norms.
There are different types of sanction and one of them is a positive
sanction. A positive sanction is when one is rewarded because of positive
behavior. An example is the positive reaction of parents when their children
get good grades or behave well. Then we have a negative sanction, which
is a punishment or threat of punishment to ensure positive behavior. For
example, you will not park your car in a place that says, “No Parking” because
you fear your car being towed. Sanctions can also be formal or informal. A formal
sanction is a reward or punishment given by a formal organization like a
business, school, government, etc. Finally, informal sanctions are a
spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval.
No matter how
well structured a society is, there will always be changes over time. There are
many sources of social change like values and beliefs. Changes in values
or beliefs can cause consequences for the society especially if they were part
of a larger ideology. An ideology is a system of beliefs and ideas that
justify social, moral, religious or economical interests. They are often spread
through social movements. These are long-term conscious efforts to
promote or prevent social change. Then we have technology as a major
source of social change. Changes occur when people recognize how to use the
elements around them. An example is oil shale. After it was discovered it was
used as a fuel that provided to America’s growing industrialization. A change
in the size of a population brings a variety of cultural changes because
of new groups and influences coming in. this can also be called diffusion
which is when a culture borrows traits from other cultures. This occurs greatly
when a society has contact with many societies. The physical environment
affects societies in many ways. For example if a society has a low supply of
food they can grow locally, they will need to import from other societies. New
unknown foods or products can cause change. Natural disasters can change a
community by destroying it and after that the members of that community will be
more precautious in the future. The least common source of social change are wars
and conquests yet they probably bring the greatest amount of social change.
(The Civil Rights movement is an example of a social movement demanding change.)
With social
change often comes resistance to that change. A change that comes from outside
a society will probably be met with resistance moved by ethnocentrism,
which is the belief that one’s own culture is superior to others. An example is
the “Buy American” campaign I which some people refused to buy Japanese cars
instead of American cars. Some traits may take more time to transform than
others when change occurs. This is called cultural lag. An example is
summer vacations. In the 1800’s when the US was a largely agricultural country,
the children would be let out of school in summer because their parents needed
help with the farms. Now that the US is a more urbanized country there is still
summer vacations in schools. The agricultural trait has changed but the summer
vacation trait has not. A person who is well off with the way that things are
may resist change. If there is a change that threatens their security they will
oppose it, they have a vested interest to protect. For example, workers
may oppose new technology because it may cost them their jobs. The vested
interest here is the worker’s job.
(Buy American campaign)
All cultures
have ways of internalizing their norms and expectations, yet these things can
change over time. It is very hard for a society to not change or be influenced
by other societies especially in the 21st century. With change there
will always be opposition whether it’s for the better or for the worse. The
world is constantly changing and will keep on changing in all of its existence.
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