Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Chapter 6/Chapter 7 The Adolescent in Society and The Adult in Society

Every day we grow whether it’s physically or mentally. We are always in a period of development even as adults. There are many challenges to every stage of life yet we have to go through it and enjoy it as much as we can.
Adolescence can be defined as the period between the normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood. Puberty is the physical maturing that enables individuals of physical reproduction. The characteristics of adolescence are biological growth and development. Here the body’s glands produce various hormones that control biological development.  Then there is having an undefined status, expectations for children are known and expectations for adults are also known but expectations for teenager are vague. Increased decision making is another characteristic and increased pressure as well. Finally the search for self is when adolescents are mature enough to think for themselves and know what they want in life. Preparing for future roles is an important aspect to finding oneself. Anticipatory socialization is learning the rights, obligations and expectations of a role that will be taken in the future.


Dating is a universal phenomenon that is practiced a lot by adolescents. Dating was influenced by the industrial revolution when people were moving to cities and were less dependent on their parents. This made the idea of courtship decrease. Yet it was till after World War I that dating was practiced. This was because of the increased gender equality and the new sources if entertainment such as cars and cinemas. There are many functions to dating. First and probably most important is entertainment. It allows young people to go out and have fun especially in the stage of causal dating. Second, dating acts as a mechanism of socialization. It teaches individuals about members of the opposite sex and how to behave in social situations. Third, dating fulfills basic psychological needs such as conversation companionship and understanding.  Fourth, dating can help an individual attain status. It was shown in various studies that dating between college fraternities and sororities was mostly for status attainment. Fifth and final, in later stages of dating the person might select his/her as their spouse.

Adolescence has many challenges and consequences that come with those challenges. One of those challenges is teenage sexual behavior. Before the 1960’s the majority of Americans held the belief that sexual activity should be confined to marriage. However this changed in the 1960’s and 70’s due the development of birth control, contraception and the feminist movement led to the “sexual revolution”. Consequently teenage sexual activity has increased to 50 percent in 1995. There were also higher percentages of unmarried teen mothers. There are many consequences to teenage sexual activity which are that babies born from teenage mothers are usually underweight and more likely to die within the first year. Teenagers who become parents have a lower chance of finishing high school or college. Individuals who become parents at a young age also tend to have a lower income and teenage mothers also go through a lot of emotional stress. Another problem is teenage drug use. Though some drug use decreased during earlier years, some are starting to rise again. Influences of drug use are having friends who constantly do drugs, having social and academic adjustment problems and living in a hostile family setting. Finally there is teenage suicide which are contributed to drug and alcohol use. The rate of teenage suicide exceeds that of the general population.
After adolescence one enters the adult world. Male and female adult development is different. The adult male development is characterized by a life structure or a combination of statuses, roles, values, beliefs and life circumstances. An adult’s life is divided in early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood. It is suggested that the adult female development is categorized in three phases. The first is leaving the family where the adult makes psychological break from parents. However many women put more emphasis on marriage than on careers. Then comes the entering the adult world phase which is when an adult gets married and has children. Finally entering the adult world again phase comes when the children enter grade school.
An important part of adult life is work. Labor force consists of all individuals age 16 and older who are employed in paid positions. The composition of the American labor force is changing and one of the biggest changes is the amount of working women. Women now hold about half of the professional jobs in the United States. A profession is a high status occupation that is obtained through formal education. Examples are Lawyers, teachers, dentists, engineers, etc. Unemployment is the situation that occurs when a person does not have a job but is actively seeking employment.
Professional Adults
With improved health care and other factors, people are living longer. Therefore the late adult era cannot be viewed as a single period of development. Late adulthood is divided into young-old (ages 65-74), middle-old (ages 75-84) and old-old (ages 85 and above). In many cases, when one reaches late adulthood they retire to pursue other careers or hobbies. One of the changes is adjusting to retired life. Another change is physical and mental functioning. As one ages, the body deteriorates which causes wrinkles, grey hair and losing physical capacity. Contrary to popular belief, as one ages the mind doesn’t necessarily deteriorate. Actually the mind can get stronger than ever before, however the elderly are more prone the Alzheimer’s disease which causes deterioration of the brain. Many elderly have issues with dependency and death. When an elderly person becomes dependent on a grown child the roles reverse and now the child takes over the role of caregiver and authority figure. Though many have problems with dependency, the elderly don’t seem to have a problem with death since they feel they have less to lose.

Late Adults
As we go through life we pass through many stages: childhood, adolescence, early, middle and late adulthood until we die. Each stage has challenges that we have to overcome but that doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy ourselves in any stage we are in.

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