Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chapter 14 Education and Religion

A successful society depends on its successful members. This is why children are taught norms and values either from an education system, family or religion. Education consists of the roles and norms that ensure the transmission of knowledge, values and behavioral patterns. Schooling is formal education instructed by officially trained teachers and follows strict policies.
In the functionalist perspective education serves the roles of teaching knowledge and skills, transmission of culture, social integration, and occupational placement. Then the conflict perspective on education believes that the purpose of education is for social control. Here an example is schools hidden curriculum which is the transmission of cultural goals that are not acknowledged such as values. Then there is tracking which involves assigning students to different types of educational programs. There have been some issues with the American school system. In 1983 a report was published that explained the decline of quality education in America and how the United States had fallen behind other industrialized nations in science and literary skills. There are also educational alternatives. Charter schools are funded with public money but are privately run. Also in school choice parents receive a voucher equal to the amount the state spends on education for the child. Homeschooling is a method rising in popularity where children are taught at home by their parents.
Since the dawn of time people have wondered where we come from and what happens after we due. Humans have tried to answer these questions through religion. The sacred is anything supernatural that inspired awe, respect and reverence. The profane is anything considered part of the ordinary world. Religion is a system of roles and norms organized around something sacred and that brings social groups together. The functions of religion are social cohesion, social control, and emotional support. A ritual is an established pattern of behavior in which the group believes they are experiencing something sacred. Animism is the belief that spirits actively influence human life. One type of animism is called shamanism in which people believe that spirits only communicate with one member of the group or shaman. Totemism is the belief of kinship between humans and animals. Theism is the belief in god or gods, Monotheism is the belief in one god. Polytheism is the belief in many gods. Ethicalism is based on the idea that moral principles are sacred. Ecclesia is a type of religion which people are part of by virtue of birth. A denomination is a well-established religious organization in which a substantial number of the population are members. A sect is a small religious group that is separated from the denomination because of different beliefs. A cult is a new religion whose beliefs and practices differ from the rest of the religions.
America is a place of many different religions. Because of immigration patterns and established religion freedom, the US is diverse when it comes to people of different religions. 90% of Americans claim to believe in God but only 66% claim to be affiliated with a religion.
Religious diversity

In order to survive, a society must ensure that the future generations have the capability to pass down their norms and values. Many societies do this through education systems that ensure the passing of knowledge. Many others also do it with religion. One of religion’s purposes is to pass down and teach values.

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